The IF Award 2013 Jury, had great fun and met wonderful people.
Alberto Meda will proudly present our Solar Bottle at TEDxMilano, hope to see you all there! TEDxMILANO 2012 Piccolo Teatro Grassi Via Rovello Milano, 20121 May 26th from 11AM
Delighted to be a part of the 1st CIDI, the International Design Forum hosted by the Design University I graduated from. I’ll be giving a conference and sharing the stage with Javier Mariscal, Ron Arad and several more. CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE DISEÑO 2012 Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba Argentina May 14-16 2012
470 aluminum tubes + 164 3D sintered joints + 6 days + 6 people + 36 beers. In one and a half minute. Special thanks to: Jacek Jaskolski, Andrea Signoretto, Gimena Moya Tonelli, Eddy Donatini & Marco Armiraglio.
Nothing is a new generation lamp born from a gesture: the first three-dimensional transformation of an electronic circuit. To present it and the three-years long process of development I imagined an installation: Connecting the Dots. The installation is framed by an innovative structure made with flexible manufacturing technologies -laser cut and 3D powder sintering- and advanced mathematical algorithms, a container that speaks the same language of the product.
After three-years of intense work Francisco is presenting his new lamp for Luceplan: Nothing. Exploring the nature of LED technology, a tiny electronic element -so small it’s practically nothing- yet capable of producing light. Nothing is born from a simple and innovative idea: the first three-dimensional transformation of an electronic circuit. Francisco has designed an installation –Connecting the Dots– to share the long evolution process: a selection of the prototypes...
Our dear Solar Bottle will be @Fuori Salone this year, at Fabbrica del Vapore and Domus Academy. Would like to see you around! MILANO SI AUTOPRODUCE April 17-22 Aprile Fabbrica del Vapore via Procaccini 4, Milano LOST IN TRANSLATION April 17-22 Aprile – Opening Party April 1t at 6PM Domus Academy via Pichi 18, Milano
Francisco will take part of the After Stockholm event in Oslo, if you are around meet him at the Kontorrama showroom from 5PM. He will also give a conference at Oslo’s School of Art at midday.
Giovedì 9 febbraio alla Design Library, si terrà una nuova serata del ciclo di incontri Gli Eredi, saro’ insieme ad Alberto Meda e mi piacerebbe vedervi. Gli eredi, il nuovo format inaugurato durante questa stagione che porta alla Design Library importanti progettisti ad incontrare e presentare, in un confronto aperto, le idee ed i progetti di professionisti più giovani di cui sono stati gli ispiratori ed i maestri.
Invited by Interni Magazine to participate to the Drawings Collection, Francisco produced a watercolour drawing of a special place, his home in Argentina. Published in Interni’s 615 issue, October 2011.